New Book Release

Mental hacks to Resilience

It’s time to stress-proof your brain, build your mental resilience and stay on the road to success, regardless of circumstances.

This book can help you get there!

Stress proof your brain, stay successful, build a resilient mental attitude through classic quotes and success principles.

Hack your mind and upgrade your thinking with this collection of quotes and reflections. Life produces many obstacles. Mental Hacks to Resilience focuses on words of timeless wisdom to get you through rough patches while building you up for the next hurdle.

Even if you’ve tried to become more resilient only to backslide, this book can help you break the cycle to improve and keep your mental stamina.

The story of

Maria C Vale

Maria was a successful business development executive, based out of NYC corporate America,now turned Stage IV cancer patient of 10+ years. She has been using a collection of quotes and principles to keep her mindset focused on meeting goals thru the years, regardless of circumstances.

She has adapted these principles into her daily life to stay resilient, cut thru stress and meet objectives.

Maria is sharing her system in this book, with the goal of helping fellow human beings as we encounter life obstacles and challenges. She left her former corporate NYC-based career and is now semi-retired in West Palm Beach, where she is dedicated to creating content via music production and writing, to make a difference in the world and leave a legacy of positive and upbeat thinking, all while working to stay healthy and continue to beat the odds.

"Don’t cut corners with yourself."

Maria C Vale